Which Intersection is the Official Townsquare of Cedar Rapids?
Every city has an intersection that is considered the exact center of town. It's the place where old timers would gather. Merchants would buy and sell goods, and locals would get good'n liquor'ed up on Saturday nights.
And to prove that men do ask directions, I told my wife I'd ask five dynamic women of Cedar Rapids to share their thoughts of which intersection they think best fits the description.
Cedar Rapids City Council Member, District 5, Ashley Vanorny:
I truly feel like Green Square Park best epitomizes the town square of Cedar Rapids. It is almost always our gathering place—for city kick-offs, for the farmer’s market, a soapbox for presidential hopefuls, where I’ve attended concerts, where we showcase our tree-lighting, and even where I’ve gathered to mourn with residents after a shooting.
CBS2 Meteorologist Rebecca Kopelman agrees:
Maybe I’m taking it too literally but Green Square seems like the central area for me (which would be 4th street and 5th avenue). The Farmers Market always happens around Green Square… it’s kind of a central location where you have the library, you’re close to the Cell Center, the bars/restaurants downtown and also close to the Newbo/Czech Village area.
Pop Singer Alisabeth Von Pressley has an inspired idea:
This is the place that showcases the creative flair of Cedar Rapids...the Paramount Theatre on 2nd and 3rd. Historic, refurbished, and acoustically perfect! It is the crown jewel of our city and I imagine there's no greater thrill than being there, center stage at the Paramount!
Jenn Zoller, lead singer of BootJack:
If I had to say what I felt was the local townsquare in Cedar Rapids, I would say that it is at the intersection of Collins Road and 1st Avenue, where Siebke Hoyt & Granite City reside.
I feel this is the townsquare as it is the crossroads between Cedar Rapids and Marion. Additionally, it is a very busy “hub” where a bulk of the area’s restaurants, shopping centers and entertainment live once you go through that intersection into Cedar Rapids.
Micki Slick, KRNA midday hostess:
I would say May’s Island is the Townsquare of Cedar Rapids….right in the heart of the downtown. It actually was the Townsquare back in the day…..there were ILL FEELINGS between the East and Westsiders in Cedar Rapids back in the day…..city leaders hoped that placing the seat of government in the “neutral territory” would help ease the tensions. Cruisin’ First Avenue was always the “thing to do”……..May’s Island is right in the middle. It’s the center of our local government and big enough area to throw a huge rock show! We have an island right here in Cedar Rapids!
and finally, Barb Ferris (of course I'd include my wife's opinion):
To me, the Townsquare of Cedar Rapids is at the corner of 3rd St. and 1st Ave. It's where the Doubletree Hotel meets TCR. This is the heart of downtown and holds the best memories for me. It's the intersection where you are just steps away from great food, big girl drinks, concerts and shows!
- Rebecca Kopelman CBS2
Rebecca Kopelman CBS2 1Rebecca Kopelman
Rebecca is the early morning television Weather First Meteorologist from CBS2/FOX 28, now known as Iowa's News Now. Her timely social media posts are great to stay up-to-date, and her TV forecast go in depth with just the right amount of nerdy-science-geeky-ness.
- Alisabeth Von Presley
Alisabeth Von Presley 2Alisabeth Von Presley
AVP is always rockin' our world with her music, especially her live performances featuring power-pop hits, costumes and dance choreography that puts Cedar Rapids on a whole new level of glitter and glam.
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Ashley Vanorny
Cedar Rapids City Council - District 5
Ashley is a member of Cedar Rapids City Council, representing District 5. She is active in Junior League of Cedar Rapids, Families Helping Families of Iowa, Hawkeye Chapter of ACLU, and the Linn County League of Women Voters.
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Micki Slick
Micki Slick is more that just the midday DJ on 94.1 KRNA. She is a rocker of legendary status who always enjoys a good party! Micki's love of the Dallas Cowboys is well documented, and listeners love her like family. She's a proud mom and gramma, and just the coolest rock n roll chick in Cedar Rapids!
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Jenn Zoller
Jenn is a Senior Account Consultant for our radio stations KHAK,KDAT KRQN nad KRNA. She is also the lead singer of Boot Jack, one of the areas best country bands. If that's not enough Jenn is also an occasional guest on the KRNA Morning show!
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