About a month ago, I told you about the daily heart attack that I have while entering I-380N from I-80E. I am proud to report the anxiety over this interstate acrobatics has subsided, except for the fact that for the last week there has been a reminder of the dangers of interstate driving starting at me right in the cloverleaf.

Tom E. Gunn
Tom E. Gunn

Last Monday while driving to work, I saw the remnants of an obvious accident. According to a Gazette article from back in 2012, that particular interstate exchange is the worst heavy truck roll-over spot in Iowa. On Monday, that was shown clear as a tractor-trailer was there on its side.

Tom E. Gunn
Tom E. Gunn

The next day, the tractor (semitruck...big rig...the truck part) was gone, but the trailer stayed...and is still there, slowly sliding down the embankment.

Why is it still there? Doesn't that pose a bigger hazard if another truck were to fall over or if a car were to leave the road at that pivotal point in the curve?

Tom E. Gunn
Tom E. Gunn

I don't know these answers, but hopefully someone moves it soon.

Tom E. Gunn
Tom E. Gunn

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