How Walmart's Item Return Charge Increase Could Benefit ShoppersHow Walmart's Item Return Charge Increase Could Benefit ShoppersWalmart is jacking up the charge for returned items, but this might not necessarily be a bad thing for shoppers.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
The Important Reason Some Walmart Employees Wear Yellow Name TagsThe Important Reason Some Walmart Employees Wear Yellow Name TagsEver noticed some Walmart workers have different colors on their name tags? Here's why...Rob CarrollRob Carroll
How Iowans Can File A Claim in a Lawsuit against Wal-MartHow Iowans Can File A Claim in a Lawsuit against Wal-MartYou could get a settlement if you purchased meat and fruit products.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Buy Groceries at Walmart? You Could Have Money Coming Your WayBuy Groceries at Walmart? You Could Have Money Coming Your WaySeveral customers who shopped at Walmart in the past six years are likely eligible. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Walmart Making Yet Another Massive Change You Might Actually LikeWalmart Making Yet Another Massive Change You Might Actually LikeWalmart's latest effort might help you get stuff more quickly. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Walmart Ordered to Face Lawsuits Claiming Store Hiked Prices on This ItemWalmart Ordered to Face Lawsuits Claiming Store Hiked Prices on This ItemWalmart could soon be headed to court to face accusations it raised prices on one of its items.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Walmart Adding 'Large' Stores, Electric Vehicle Charging StationsWalmart Adding 'Large' Stores, Electric Vehicle Charging StationsWalmart has an aggressive plan to build its first new stores in three years. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Report Reveals Walmart Will Shutter More Stores in 2024Report Reveals Walmart Will Shutter More Stores in 2024Walmart also closed 23 stores in 14 states in 2023. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Sam's Club to Stop Checking Customer Receipts When Leaving StoreSam's Club to Stop Checking Customer Receipts When Leaving StoreThe change, however, doesn't mean the store will no longer look at your purchases.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Why Was This Pop Star Randomly In Eastern Iowa?Why Was This Pop Star Randomly In Eastern Iowa?Everyone needs to get their oil changed.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney