Walmart Stores Could Soon Have No Cashiers
There could soon be no cashiers at Walmart stores across the nation. Then again, if you've been to a store lately, you know that won't be a drastic change from what you encounter now.
Fox 5 is reporting that Walmart is transforming a store in Arkansas, where the company originated, into a cashier-less one. The store, in Fayetteville, Arkansas, won't have cashiers or "standard conveyor belt lines," according to Fox 5. It will be a test store for the company.
Walmart says they want to see if they can accomplish two different things. Will customers be able to get through checkout lines faster without cashiers? Can they keep employees safer from coronavirus by not having cashiers at the checkout lines? If it works, Walmart believes more workers would be able to keep themselves distanced from customers. If it works, look for it to happen everywhere.
I believe there's almost certainly a third factor at play here... cost savings. Last week, Target announced their minimum wage hike to $15 per hour would take effect Sunday, July 5. That's months ahead of schedule at Target. Walmart's minimum wage is currently $11 per hour, according to CNBC. Won't Walmart soon be feeling the heat to increase their minimum wage? Perhaps they already are.
If Walmart ends up pulling cashiers at stores nationwide, let's hope they at least expand the number of open self-checkout lanes that have conveyor belts. Customers with grocery carts brimming with items aren't conducive to checkouts with nowhere to put items.
What are your thoughts on what Walmart is doing? Would only self-checkouts lead you to shop elsewhere or do you prefer them? Please comment below with your thoughts.