Iowa, These Are The First Date Red Flags You’re Probably Ignoring
We all love the color red.
Bachelorette of the QC here. Who among us hasn't ignored red flags in the already miserable dating universe? There are a number of red flags we ignore in relationships but there are some you may not catch as early as a first date.
First dates can be super awkward already. After 30, it feels more like a barrage of questions about jobs and situations as opposed to some kind of romantic Nicholas Sparks-esque date.
You don't always find chemistry on a first date but you can definitely spot issues so here are a few to look for on first dates. Remember, there's a difference between a red flag and an all-out obvious ick so watch closely for these.
They're Insisting You Do One Specific Thing
I've seen guys so bent on doing one specific activity on a date that it goes way past being fun and passionate about something to just being flat-out weird. Really, it's an early sign of controlling behavior.
Or They Can't Figure Out What To Do
On the other side of that is putting the person on the back burner. It's the 'yeah we should get together soon' with no concrete plans or taking days to come up with something to do.
They Bring Up Intimacy Already
We all have different boundaries on when we want to get physical with someone but a first date is not the time to bring up sleeping with your date. It's a red flag according to Psychology Today.
They're Obviously Not Present
If their nose is in their phone a lot, if they're not making eye contact with you, if they just don't seem to be mentally there, that's a problem.
They Don't Ask You Any Questions
For years, nothing will make me turn down a second date quite like this. If I feel like I'm having to conduct an interview on a first date, I'm already not interested. Is your date talking at you or with you?
It's A First Date, Not Therapy
This is not the time to vent about your exes, your issues, and definitely not the whole "do you want kids?"-level stuff. That's the conversations that happen in a relationship.
They Show Up Drunk
Sometimes you do just need a bevy to unwind after a day and it's easy to let that go before you realize...oops it's date time. But your date should have enough respect for you to at least show up sober for your very first date.
They Get An Attitude
And finally, the biggest red flag hill I will die on: what they say about others and how they treat people you encounter says a lot about them as a person. You don't have time for negativity. If they complain about other people often or insult the wait staff, that's not fine.
Happy dating! Good luck!
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