There’s One Reason People From Iowa Don’t Finish Their Bucket Lists
Do you have a bucket list? If you don't have a formal, written-out one, chances are you have an air quotes bucket list. In other words, you have something or things you have to do before you kick the bucket. Well, that brings me to a question... what's holding you back? Why is there anything left on the ol' bucket list? Chances are, I know the answer.
Why aren't Iowans finishing bucket lists?
My bucket list is still pretty long. There's a couple of bands (still alive and touring) that I need to see. A couple more countries I want to visit or visit once again. And yes, I want to go skydiving at least once. Well, probably ONLY once. So why haven't I done all of these? And why haven't you done all of your bucket list items?

The main reason we cannot complete our bucket lists is simple. We can't afford to. According to the website Coventry Direct, money is the primary element holding us back from hitting our bucket lists. Also what I found interesting, the study found that most of us aren't saving enough for retirement. Why does that matter? Well, when you think bucket list, you likely think often of an older person, right?
Maybe in some cases, bucket list items are best accomplished during younger years, but generally, you think of someone who's not working and has free time. The issue is, they don't have enough free income.
What is actually worse, the study finds 40% of us have absolutely no form of retirement income. With that in mind, there's no doubt people will struggle to finish bucket lists.
Would you let someone else finish your bucket list?
Here's a morbid question, if you kicked the bucket, would you want someone else polishing off your bucket list? I don't love the idea of someone bringing an urn up for a skydive, but that's maybe too literal. In terms of someone else simply completing the items on your bucket list, how would you feel? For me, I don't want anyone touching my list. Get your own bucket list.
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