Here’s Why it Will Be So Stinkin’ Hot in Cedar Rapids This Weekend
It's going to be HOT this weekend. We're talking 90's with sunshine and sweat. Just how much sweat is up to you, but those 90's are no doubt going to hit most of the state of Iowa Saturday and Sunday (with upper 80's beyond). But, why exactly? Not that 90's in early June are an anomaly, but how are we going from 60's last week and high 70's/low 80's this week to boom 90's this weekend? In a word: SCIENCE!
La Nina is the reason, but what is La Nina?
You've likely heard of El Nino, which pops up more during an Iowa winter. But are you familiar with La Nina? Okay first off, La Nina is a weather event and not the start of a Spanish language lesson. La Nina is, according to NOAA's explanation, "a cold event". How you get that from "little girl" is... a stretch for sure. The cold is caused when the cold waters in the Pacific push the jet stream northward.
When you're talking winter, it causes temperatures to be warmer than average in the South but cooler than normal in the North, and, obviously, that includes Iowa. It's not winter, but the same logic applies, and that's why it's been cooler than average. But now, Rado Iowa reports La Nina is la-leaving and so our temps will heat up significantly. This is good news for folks looking to spend time outside with their grill, but bad news for people who sweat profusely like yours trully. Time to make sure your AC is working.