What kind of world are we living in these days with a pair of women getting into a huge fight inside a popular department store in Illinois?

Best Kind Of Shopping Trip In Illinois

I'll be the first to admit it. I'm not a big shopper unless it's for something like vinyl records. My idea of a good shopping trip is to keep my list short and sweet. Then, enter the store and go directly to the product I'm looking for. Followed immediately by a stop at the cash register before exiting the building. I can usually do it in record time.

RELATED: Illinois Man Shoots Gun At Wife During Shopping Drama

Shopping Can Be Frustrating In Illinois

One of the main reasons that I'm not a big fan of shopping is because it can get really frustrating at times. Stores aren't like they used to be. Their staff are usually short-handed so it's hard to get any help. Often, the shelves are empty or a complete mess so good luck finding what you're looking for.

RELATED: Fight At Illinois Walmart

Shoppers Are Rude In Illinois

Have you noticed that people in Illinois just don't know how to act in public anymore? Whenever I go shopping, I run into some really rude people. Apparently, being nice is a big problem for them. Customers will cut in line without thinking twice. They actually believe the world revolves around them.

Catfight At Kohl's

Fight Breaks Out Between Two Women At Illinois Kohl's

I've witnessed plenty of people arguing inside a store in Illinois but I can't remember ever seeing anyone actually fist fight. That might actually freak me out. I can't believe shoppers will dip to that level. They've turned into savages. In fact, it recently just happened at a Kohl's store in Elmhurst.

According to patch.com,

A 32-year-old woman from the 500 block of West Crockett Avenue in Elmhurst and a 46-year-old Villa Park woman were charged about 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Kohl's, 303 S. Route 83, on charges of disorderly conduct. The women were fighting.

20 of The Best and Worst Illinois Mugshots

Say cheese, Illinois!

Gallery Credit: The Smoking Gu, Beleville PD, Champaign County Jail, McLean County Jail, Montgomery PD, Cook County Jail, DuPage County Jail, East Alton PD, Gurnee PD, Kendell Co. Sheriffs Dept, Lake County PD, Madison County Jail, Oak Lawn PD, Orland Park Police Dept, River Forrest PD, Roselle Police Department, Shiloh Police Dept, St Clair County Jail

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