You Can Buy the Westdale Bowling Center for $900,000
If you're looking to get into the bowling business in Cedar Rapids, the Westdale Bowling Center is for sale. I called the realtor the other day to see what they were asking. I've always loved to bowl, but I'm not sure I have enough cash in my mattress to swing this one.
The realtor told me the asking price is $900,000. I don't know anything about running a bowling alley, but I was a serious bowler for a number of years. In fact, the first place I started bowling in this town was the Westdale Bowling Center.
I moved here from Minnesota back in 1997. I joined a league on Monday nights and met some really cool people. Those folks are still in my life and I consider them good friends.
The staff at Westdale was always super cool to me and I even got to know the owner. His name was BJ Tricky. He was a really nice, genuine guy that was kind to everyone that walked into his establishment. I never played with him, but I was told he was a pretty good golfer.
BJ passed away on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018. He was just 69-years old. If he was still alive today, I'm guessing that FOR SALE sign wouldn't be posted outside of the property. He was a good owner and really took care of the place. Let's hope someone can carry the torch and keep it going.
I would hate to see the a group purchase the building and not keep the lanes. This spot needs to stay a bowling center, it's huge piece of history here in Cedar Rapids and I wouldn't want it to go anywhere.
If you're interested, the realtors number is on the picture. And like I said, it will only cost you around $900,000.
I can't co-sign for you, but I will come out and support the place.
And the first shot we throw is for BJ.