What Was The Biggest BS Story You Ever Told To Mom?
We've all done it. It's nothing to be proud of, but today you can clear your conscience.
It's time to 'fess up and tell your tale of the biggest, boldest, bald-faced B.S. story you ever told your Mama.
For me (Producer Mike) it would have to be the time when, at age 19, I crashed into a parked car in my apartment center parking lot. I told my mom that the "steering went out" while I was driving. I absolutely insisted that the car's steering was faulty, and kept that ridiculous story going for years - when the truth was obvious: I was actually a little tipsy (back in my drinking days) and I was plenty upset (over being dumped by a girl). It was totally my fault. The only thing that failed that day was my own credibility.
So today I say: I'm sorry mom, for sticking to that stupid BS story for all those years and for not admitting that i had been 100% irresponsible that day.
They say confession is good for the soul, and I'll admit I feel a little bit better already. Besides, our mom could never stay mad at us kids for long. She was a loving, forgiving person who had really "seen it all".
One good thing that DID result from this event was the hilarious re-telling of my infamous BS story at family gatherings. For years my outright denial that it was all BS would regularly make everyone roar with side-splitting laughter. All at my expense of course...