The Best and Worst States to Take a Summer Road Trip
Iowa wasn't ranked very high on the list...
Sometimes it's nice to just hop on a plane and get to your vacation destination, but sometimes the journey is part of the vacation. Road trips are especially popular in the summertime, especially when gas prices are down from last year. WalletHub states that, according to AAA, "79% of families traveling this summer still plan to take road trips, a 10% increase since the previous year."
So where exactly are the best places to go road trippin'? WalletHub did a new study to answer that exact question. They ranked all 50 states based on factors like cost, road conditions, and attractions. Unfortunately, Iowa ranked in the bottom half of the list, coming in at number 29. We came in 16th place in the "safety" category, but 40th place for "activities." Ouch. Iowa also came in 47th place for "Lowest Percent of Total Area Designated as National Parkland."
Let's work our way to the top of the list. These are the top 5 states to take road trips in this summer:
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- North Carolina
- Louisiana
You can see the rest of the rankings HERE.
Where will you be road tripping this summer? Share your destinations with us in the comments!
[Via WalletHub]
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