The 14th Annual Zombie March is Happening Next Month
Hordes of zombies will be roaming the streets of Iowa City next month, and you could join them!
The 14th Annual Iowa City Zombie March is coming up on Saturday, September 21st beginning at College Green Park in downtown Iowa City. The event will officially begin at 5:30, but help with makeup will start around 4 p.m. The after party will take place at The Deadwood at 6 p.m., with a costume contest starting at 6:30.
If you're reading this wondering why people will be dressing like the undead, it's all for charity! The two local charities that will benefit from this year's march are CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank and Table to Table. CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank "provides compassionate crisis support through its hotline, safe shelter programs, and information & referral services," while the goal of Table to Table is "to keep wholesome, edible food from going to waste by collecting it from donors and distributing to those in need through agencies that serve the hungry, homeless and at-risk populations."
Oh, and did we mention there's a theme? The Facebook event reads:
"Dig out your bloody best dress wear on 9/21/19 and join us on College Green because this year's theme is Fall Formal."
For more information on this year's event, you can visit the Facebook page HERE or email ICZombieMarch@gmail.com.
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