Sorry Iowa: We Aren’t Getting Enough Free Time in Our Day
I'm pretty sure everyone who works wishes they had more free time. And that would definitely be amazing for a little while. But believe it or not, you would eventually get sick of that too. (Shocking, I know!)
You need more free time
I realize as our tremendous Iowa farmers are in the fields, free time seems like a total anomaly. According to a new study out of the University of Pennsylvania and UCLA and published on a website called Boing Boing, the right amount of free time to have is actually a sort of science as it's oddly specific. You should have exactly the amount of time they suggest each day.
That amount is two-and-a-half hours a day. No less, but also no more. I guess we need to monitor our downtime with a stopwatch?
No more, no less because... why?
If you have less free time than that, it'll have a negative impact on how satisfied you are with your life. But if you have more free time than that, you'll eventually feel like you don't have enough of a purpose and that will also have a negative effect on how satisfied you are with your life.
Here is a challenge, though. During your free time, try putting your smartphone down, and try doing something away from screens. THAT seems like the real challenge. And I'm not saying I'd do well with it either! Also, you wouldn't be able to read articles like this one so... maybe use your screen time for a bit of that R&R time? Just a bit.