Anyone who has been to a Rob Zombie show knows that the rocker goes all out to give the audience some entertainment value. Now Zombie is giving you a chance to experience the thrill of one of his shows from the luxury of your TV room. The 'Zombie Horror Picture Show' concert DVD and Blu-Ray arrives May 19 and the trailer just surfaced (watch below).

Given that Zombie is also an acclaimed film director, it should be no surprise that the trailer for the DVD looks top notch. It starts off with a title page looking like it came straight from the '70s golden era of film, but the trailer eventually evolves into a bunch of quick hitting images from the DVD.

There's the massive pulpit from his stage production during last summer's Mayhem Festival, plenty of cool lighting, action shots of the band and an audience sing-along on 'We're an American Band' that delivers a pure rock 'n' roll moment. Plus, as the fans are as much part of the show as the band, there's plenty of audience shots, with the trailer censoring a few topless women along the way. Zombie, who directed the concert film, managed to capture it all in full glory.

The concert DVD, Zombie's first, finds his band in top form as they rip through a mixture of older favorites like 'Living Dead Girl,' 'More Human Than Human' and 'Dragula' as well as newer songs like 'Teenage Nosferatu Pussy,' 'Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga Raga' and 'Dead City Radio and the New Gods of Supertown.'

Watch the trailer for the film here:

Rob Zombie's 'The Zombie Horror Picture Show' arrives on May 19. It can be pre-ordered online via Amazon in both DVD and Blu-Ray formats.

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