Trump: “I Want Big 10 And All Other Football Back NOW!” – Oct. 10 Start?
Update: President Trump took to Twitter on Friday criticizing the Big Ten for canceling its college football season. 247Sports reports, in a tweet today, (Tues. 9/1), "the president said he spoke with Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren about "immediately starting up" fall football, and his conversation resulted in a "productive" development."
Trump's tweet from last Friday appeared not to approve of a delayed start time. The Big 10 is reportedly kicking around two ideas, starting around Thanksgiving weekend or in January. As one Iowa football fan, my opinion is neither one of these dates make any sense. Just start the season in early October, that would give coaches at least a month to get their team ready. Of course, that's barring any set-backs like having to pause workouts due to a high number of Covid-19 positive tests. In the meantime, will the president influence the commissioner to change his mind? I guess we'll see.
Here's a big reason to be optimistic: - Sports Radio host Dan Patrick tweeted this - (for what it's worth, Patrick has great sources and tons of credibility)
Confirming the conversation did happen and more reason for optimism:
We'll continue to keep you updated on this fast developing story on our app. It's completely free to download...

(Originally published: Aug. 28 2020)
Finding any good news lately has been sort of "few and far between". On Friday morning, Iowa Football fans got the news they wanted to hear. We just might get to watch some Big 10 football this fall!
Fox Sports/FSI Reports Bruce Feldman broke the news on Twitter: (scroll down)
Just last week, Big 10 Commissioner Kevin Warren to a hard stance and said that the league would “not revisit” the decision on fall football. Which was a "punch in the gut" to all of the players, parents and fans, especially since the conference had just released a revamped ten game schedule that would have started in late September. Then came the protests and letters to the commissioner from the athletes parents, it makes you wonder how much all of that helped them change their mind.
Now the disappointing part, they could be considering starting the season around Thanksgiving weekend and would involve a ten game schedule. Which would make it next to impossible for the Big 10 to be eligible for the College Football Playoffs and would obviously rule out any potential bowl games, (that probably are not happening anyway). The Thanksgiving start date probably has more to do with the 2021 season starting on time. This will also end the 2020/21 season in time for any players who are entering the NFL Draft and will minimize any more "fall out" from potential "draftees" wanting to transfer out to a team in a conference that is playing for sure. Apparently, starting the season in January and playing and 8 games schedule with a conference championship game to be held in March is also on the table.
This is a development that most football fans didn't see coming. Keep checking back for further updates on this developing story.