Let’s Salute Some Local Bowlers!
I've always loved bowling. It's a great sport, and you can drink beers while you play. We have a lot of great bowlers right here in the "Hawkeye State." I'd like to take a moment and salute some of the high games from this past week. These bowling scores are courtesy of the Cedar Rapids Gazette.
Over at May City Bowl, Lori Abben-Goodwin had a high game of 275. Great job Lori, that's a great score. Her final series was 613.
Across town at the Westdale Bowling Center, Rod Pierce bowled a 226. His final series was 651. Good for you, Rod!
At the Cedar Rapids Bowling Center, Galen Young had a high game of 267, and a 759 series! I'd have to bowl 6 games to beat that series score. Great job, Gale.
I'm thinking of putting together a KRNA bowling team. If you are interested, comment below. So far, it's just myself and Producer Mike. We'll need some help, he's an awful bowler.
Congratulations to our high scores this week! I'll have another report next Sunday. Until then, enjoy this fantastic bowling video.
[Source:Cedar Rapids Gazette (Hard Copy)]