Iowa’s Steve King Says He’s Owed An Apology After Incest Remarks
Britain's newspaper the Daily Mail is reporting the latest embarrassing remarks of Iowa's most quotable politician, Steve King.
At a sparsely-attended town hall meeting in Grundy County on Saturday, it was reported that Mr. King said he is owed an apology for being misquoted when he was recorded giving odd comments about rape and incest victims.
According to various sources including the AP and Reuters, photos indicate Saturday's town hall meeting may have had only two residents in the audience. Perhaps Iowans are realizing that Mr. King is on the brink of losing all credibility with even his most ardent supporters.
While the reporting of the quote attributed to the politician may have been bungled a bit, there is video that recorded exactly what he said,which was considered pretty outrageous by even those of his own party.
What do you think...is he an asset or an embarrassment to the state of Iowa?
But rest assured, he will run again for office in 2020.