Depressing? Iowans Say Life Peaks at This Obscenely Young Age
I don't mean for any of what you're about to read to sound depressing. In fact, I hope that you can help me prove this to be both wrong or incorrect, and also flat-out silly.
There is a study that is claiming to know the exact age people in Iowa say that life has hit its peak. The website, Mixbook, seems to think that they've nailed it for all 50 states in fact. And, you can see where every state feels that peak is below.

As for Iowa, the claim is that life peaks at the tender (young) age of... 48. Now, I am not 48 yet, but I have to question that. I mean, 48 is still quite young, right? When I think 48, I think of someone whose kids are likely a little older, maybe even out of the house. I think of someone who may not even have grandkids yet.
To me, and I hope this comes to fruition, you have a LOT still to be excited about. I mean, retirement comes to mind for one thing. Not to mention watching kids and grandchildren grow up... having the house back when they move out. There should be a slew of things to be excited about still at age 48. Heck, at age 58 there should be plenty.
If there's any silver lining here it would be that in Iowa, we say life peaks at an older age than in most states. In fact, other than Vermont, which puts the peak age as 63, Iowa is one of the oldest to say life has peaked.
Check out all the peak ages by state from Mixbook below:
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