We're celebrating Earth Day with environmentally friendly tips all week.  So far we've looked at travel tips, and some general tips for around the house and in the yard.  Today, we take the tips to school.  There's some action things kids and parents can do to encourage their schools/classmates to be more eco-friendly.Check back each day for more great tips!

Also be sure to join us this Saturday at NewBo City Market for EcoFest! Learn more Earth friendly tips, while enjoying family fun activities, music, movies, art, and more.

  • Getty Images: Mario Tama
    Getty Images: Mario Tama

    Don't idle!

    Remind your school system to turn off bus engines when buses are parked. Exhaust from idling school buses can pollute air in and around the bus, and can enter school buildings through air intakes, doors, and open windows. Constant idling also wastes fuel and money, and school bus engines really need only a few minutes to warm up.

  • Thinkstock: Creatas
    Thinkstock: Creatas

    Everyone can make a difference!

    High school students can study links between everyday actions at their high school, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. Become a "climate ambassador" leader in your school or neighborhood and motivate friends, schools, and community leaders. Talk to you friends - help spread the word!

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