Bad Hare Day: Why Is The Easter Bunny Prosecuting Cases in Iowa?
Whoever said the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist has some explaining to do!

The Easter Bunny seemed to quit his yearly gig of bringing joy to children to solve crime in Iowa.
On April 4th, online docket sheets for several hundreds of Polk Country cases were revised- transferring the prosecution of the case from Kailey Gray to another “prosecutor”—Easter Santa Bunny.
According to an article in Iowa Capitol Dispatch, the cases stayed that way until Thursday morning.
Now, this wasn’t a mistake in the system, more like a placeholder.
According to Iowa Capital Dispatch, Gray took over a colleague’s cases and this transfer is reflected on Iowa Courts Online. But all of Gray’s old cases were “transferred” to the Easter Bunny.
Bret Lucas, assistant county attorney, told Iowa Capital Dispatch
Apparently, the Judicial Branch and the IT department decided to put that placeholder in there because, obviously, no one else would have that name… So they were all aware of that, and it sounds like they must still be in the middle of that transfer process.
The Easter Bunny reference in the system was not supposed to be seen by the public. The Polk County Court’s Office took “extra steps” to make sure only clerks, lawyers, judges, and others with higher security clearance could see it. However, people that weren’t even logged onto the site were able to see the bunny reference.
The only real effect of having the Easter Bunny written down as the prosecutor is confusion on who to contact about a case.
Many of the cases “assigned” to the Easter Bunny are open and active cases; however, hundreds of them are dormant but technically not closed.
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