Does The Iowa Caucus Really Matter?
Well, we're less than a month away from the Iowa Caucus and if you ask me, it's anyone's game to lose.
So many candidates, so many radio and television commercials and so much money being spent. And it all starts right here in the Hawkeye State......isn't this a great country we live in?
But let me ask you this, isn't Iowa pretty much irrelevant when it comes to the national political sphere? I mean, we're the first, but nobody really remembers us after it's over except the ad executives in the local media, as they smoke their cigars and enjoy their commissions.
Think about it, last time around Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton won Iowa. Before that, a dude named Rick Santorum won Iowa in 2012. So really, does winning Iowa really matter at all?
Who do you think will with the 2020 Iowa Caucus?
Comment below and we will discuss on The KRNA Morning Show!
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