C.R. Parks & Recreation To Close Christmas Tree Disposal Sites
We're halfway into January already, and while it's sad to have to say farewell to one of the few bright spots of 2020, if you've been trying to extend your Christmas cheer an extra few weeks or just procrastinating, you may need to think about taking it down and getting rid of it in the next few days.
The Cedar Rapids Parks & Recreation Department will close its two sites designated for the disposal of real, unflocked Christmas trees. CBS2 says residents can drop off their tree from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day up to and including this Sunday. The sites will close for tree disposal on Sunday, January 17 at 10 p.m. Drop off at Sac & Fox trail parking lot, Bertram Road and Wilder Drive SE, and Prairie Park Fishery, 2125 Otis Road SE. Signs in the area will point you to the right spot.
Keep in mind, any tinsel, ornaments, decorations, stands, watering packets, tree wrap, and netting must be removed prior to disposal, and flocked trees, wreaths and garlands can NOT be recycled. If you use the Prairie Park Fishery location, it may interest you to know trees dropped off there will be placed on ice and used as fish habitat in the spring.
Trees disposed of at the Sac & Fox lot will be chipped and used by the Indian Creek Nature Center on hiking trails.
KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born