Carson King Teams With Midwest Ale Works for Derecho Relief
I talked with Glenn Cole, from Midwest Ale Works about an upcoming project he was really excited about. It was hush hush for a few reasons...but today I'm happy to be able to talk about this amazing undertaking.
From MAW's Facebook post:
One year ago Carson King used his viral fame to become an Iowa Legend, raising over $3 million for University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. Today we’re hoping you’ll help turn him into a Midwest Legend.
Midwest Ale Works is teaming up with the Carson King Foundation non-profit organization to launch a new campaign to aid in clean up and recovery of the multiple thousands of people and business across the Midwest who were affected by the disastrous Derecho storm.
Glenn...besides being a brewer & star of What's Tappening here on 97X...is a bit of a legend himself. He's worked with three Midwest based brewing supplies producers to create the recipe for “Midwest Legend”. This recipe, label art, and all promotional material are being made available to any brewery who would like to brew the beer and sell it at their brewery. They’re just asking that participating breweries pledge a minimum of $1 per pint to the Carson King Foundation for Derecho aid.
They go on to say:
Our generous supplier partners have even offered a discount codes as an incentive for participating breweries. Please share this post to get the word out and tag your favorite brewery and let them know you would like them to brew Midwest Legend! If your brewery would like more information about participating please email MidwestLegendBeer@gmail.com
More info is forthcoming...but in the meantime...get the word out to your favorite Midwest brewery to help our people that have been affected by this crazy 2020 storm.
One year ago Carson King used his viral fame to become an Iowa Legend, raising over $3 million for University of Iowa...
Posted by Midwest Ale Works on Wednesday, August 26, 2020
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