Austin Jackson Flips Into Bullpen Making Catch for the Ages
Man, can Austin Jackson cover a lot of ground.
The Cleveland Indians outfielder robbed the Red Sox Hanley Ramirez of a home run during Tuesday night's game at Fenway Park when he made a catch and then fell into the bullpen.
It occurred in the fifth inning and momentarily kept the Indians' 7-5 lead intact. The Sox would go on to win the seesaw affair, 12-10, in extra innings, but that should not detract from just how remarkable Jackson's play was.
The catch was so good that the Red Sox faithful gave him a standing ovation. Yeah, Red Sox fans were applauding the opposition. What's next, Donald Trump tweeting his appreciation for Hillary Clinton.
It's very easy to say this is the catch of the year, but you know what? This may very well be the catch of the year. Everything about this -- the focus, the acrobatic way Jackson's body flips, the ability to hold onto the ball -- is simply fantastic.
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