Have you had a drink or two while you're stuck doing work from home? If so, you're not alone! A new survey of 3,000 workers across the country revealed that lots of people have had an alcoholic beverage while "on the clock" at home.

The survey, courtesy of Alcohol.org, says that 47% of Iowans have had a drink during work hours in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. We had the highest percentage of all the Midwest states that border us. Nebraska was a close second with 44%. It could be worse, though. Hawaii had the highest number of at-home workers drinking with 67%. The lowest number came from Arkansas with 8%.

The survey also found that beer is the drink of choice for folks working from home and that 1/5 of people "stockpiled alcohol for self-isolation." Over 1 in 3 admitted that they are likely to drink MORE during isolation.

I already had a good amount of alcohol stashed in the fridge before all of this went down, but I haven't really touched it! I'm not working from home right now, but even if I was, I definitely wouldn't be drinking. I get a little louder and a little too loose with my words, which doesn't work out so well when you're in radio...

Be honest... have you had an alcoholic beverage while working from home these past few weeks? Let us know in the comments!

You can check out more results from the survey HERE.

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