You’ll Be FALL-ing for Eliana When You Flip Your Calendar To September
You might be running out of gas as summer comes to an end, but have no fear, flip the page of your Dwyer & Michaels Classic Car Calendar from The Camera Corner and see that Scott Shnurman's 1959 Chevy Apache has plenty in those pinstriped jerry can's to get you through the rest of the season.
As you flip your page to September, you'll see Eliana with her red heels that perfectly match the interior of that Apache, shot perfectly by Jenna Sue Photography. This photoshoot took place just off the disc golf course on Credit Island, so of course, Hairball's attention was elsewhere.
Thanks to Sport Truck Specialties for helping this month's page of the 2023 calendar come to life.
Check out some extra shots of this month and the making of the video below!