Win Styx & Reo Tickets All This Week On KRNA!
Reo Speedwagon and Styx will rock the TaxSlayer Center in Moline this Saturday, March 13th. The St. Paddy's day party will also feature special guest Don Felder. The show starts at 7:30 p.m., and tickets are available at this link.
But if you want FREE tickets, just listen to The KRNA Morning Show! Starting on Monday, March 12th, we will be giving away the best seats in the house. We'll have 5th row on Monday, 4th row on Tuesday, 3rd row on Wednesday, 2nd row on Thursday, and FRONT ROW SEATS ON FRIDAY!
Listen for you chance to win everyday at 7:30 a.m. Be the ninth caller, answer the trivia question correctly, and you win.....It's that easy!
Good luck!