Who’s Got the Cheapest Hand Sanitizer in Eastern Iowa?
I never in a million years thought I'd be writing a story about hand sanitizer. Even on the slowest of slow news days, this would have never crossed mind. But times are different, and it is what it is. With that said, please stay awake and let's tackle this subject.
I've been all over Cedar Rapids looking for inexpensive options for hand sanitizer. There are quite a few stores that are completely sold out. The ones that had some were kind of expensive, so I passed.
So far, the best value I saw was at the Wilson Avenue Hy-Vee. I don't remember the exact price, but the dollar amount seemed fair and I purchased a few bottles. I also made contact with a local woman selling hand sanitizer in Cedar Rapids. Her prices were about the same, so I got a few more.
When I'm not working at the radio station, I own a small restaurant in downtown Cedar Rapids. I want to make sure my customers and staff have plenty of options to keep their hands clean. I have a bottle at every table and hope folks will use them before and after visiting.
I still remember, and it wasn't that long ago, being able to purchase hand sanitizer at the Dollar Store. Now every time I've visited a location (since the pandemic) they're completely sold out.
So, it you know of a good place with a good deal, comment below.
Stay safe my friends, and remember to wash and sanitize your hands!