Which Of These 5 Chain Restaurants Would You Want in Cedar Rapids?
Returning from a week-long vacation trip out west, I thought about all the great dining establishments my wife and I enjoyed some fine meals at, and wondered about several national chain restaurants that I wish we had here in Cedar Rapids.
In it's review of the 2017 Top 20 Chain Restaurants, Business Insider explores the best of the best U.S. dining destinations, several of which are sadly missing from the Eastern Iowa landscape. Perhaps we could start a petition to sway a few of these to open their doors to our fair city.
Which one of these top five restaurants would you most like to see open in Eastern Iowa?
[source: Business Insider]
- bhofack2/Thinkstock
bhofack2/Thinkstock 1P.F. Chang's
This is the Chinese restaurant that takes "take-out" to a whole new level. It has a wide assortments of spicy, flavorful delights on the menu. If you love Chinese, you have to love P.F. Chang's.
- Nanisimova/Thinkstock
Nanisimova/Thinkstock 2Joe's Crab Shack
My family recently dined at a Joe's Crab Shack in Southern California and loved every shell-cracking moment! It was one of the highlights of our vacation as we feasted on lobster, shrimp, clams and crab legs. Vote for Joe's if you love fresh shellfish!
- Ildiko Papp/Thinkstock
Ildiko Papp/Thinkstock 3The Cheesecake Factory
Any place smart enough to call itself The Cheesecake Factory has to be brilliant. Need we say more? And it's not just a dessert place. They have other stuff too. Mmmm. Stuff.
- Nikolay Trubnikov/Thinkstock
Nikolay Trubnikov/Thinkstock 4Abuelo's
I've eaten at Abuelo's before, most recently in Madison, WI. Authentic and delicious are the two most common words used to describe their fare. I agree on the use of both words, and would add two more: Yes, please!
- nata_vkusidey/Thinkstock
nata_vkusidey/Thinkstock 5Seasons 52
You'd have to travel to suburban Chicago or Kansas City to experience the fresh grill menu of Seasons 52. With braised short rib and pesto chicken flatbread sandwiches as an introduction, one can only imagine what the rest of the entire menu has in store for adventurous diners. Vote for this choice if you like exotic flavor and something truly different!