We Have A “Hawkeye Hide & Seek” Winner!
After three weeks of clues, we FINALLY have a "Hawkeye Hide & Seek" winner! His name is Mark Young, and he successfully located where we hid the season tickets to Iowa football, basketball and wrestling!
The correct answer (and hiding spot) was the 'Eternal Flame' high atop the Veteran's Memorial Building in downtown Cedar Rapids. "I needed the last clue to figure out where the tickets were hidden," Mark told us. He went on to say, "I couldn't be more happier...this is a great day!"
I would say it's a great day! Mark and his wife Dawn, who's with him in the above photo, can now enjoy a full season of Iowa football, basketball & wrestling absolutely FREE!
What an awesome promotion and it couldn't of happend to nicer people. It was a pleasure to chat with Mark and Dawn when they stopped by the KRNA studio to pick up there prize. Both of them smiled the entire time they were here!
Special thanks to the following sponsors for their support of Hawkeye Hide & Seek: Greiner Buildings, the Connection, Keller Home Furnishings, Pate Asphalt, Big Rigger Builders, Neon Dragon Tattoo and GEICO.
Once again, congratulations to Mark Young....everybody's NEW best friend!