Theatre Cedar Rapids brings world-renowned entertainment productions to a community theatre setting. They are hard at work continuing their current season through June and have unveiled the lineup of shows for the 2020-21 season, starting this September.

Performances are held in the Grandon Studio and the auditorium, as noted below.

  • September 18-October 11, 2020: "Little Shop of  Horrors". A musical version of the spooky Halloween-themed production is presented in the auditorium.
  • October 16-November 1: "Night of the Living Dead", in the Grandon Studio.
  • November 3-December 13: "The Sound of Music". The classic musical is performed in the Auditorium.
  • February 5-21, 2021:: "Something Rotten!", in the Auditorium
  • March 19-April 3: "The Curious Incident of the Dog and the Nighttime", in the Auditorium
  • April 30-May 30: "Cinderella", the classic musical in the Audiorium
  • June 4-20: "For Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday", In the Grandon Studio
  • June 18-July 21: "Rock of Ages", the classic rock musical, will close the TCR season and usher in the summer of 2021.

For full descriptions of each production, visit TCR website.

For guaranteed seats and a 20 percent discount to all shows, subscribe to season tickets at TCR.

Individual tickets, when they go on sale, can be purchased here

Theatre Cedar Rapids
Theatre Cedar Rapids


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