Cubs Celebrating a Win Social Distance Style Will Make Your DayCubs Celebrating a Win Social Distance Style Will Make Your DayAll of the air fives! MJMJ
Since Baseball Got Delayed The Country Has a Surplus of PeanutsSince Baseball Got Delayed The Country Has a Surplus of PeanutsPeanuts, get your peanuts here! MJMJ
A Cedar Rapids Couple Got Married On Their Lawn This WeekendA Cedar Rapids Couple Got Married On Their Lawn This WeekendNothing can stop true love!CourtlinCourtlin
How are You Celebrating Birthdays During Social Distancing?How are You Celebrating Birthdays During Social Distancing?We are living in strange times.CourtlinCourtlin
Grim Coronavirus Projections For Iowa And The NationGrim Coronavirus Projections For Iowa And The NationEven if social distancing works perfectly, the government admits that hundreds of thousands of people will die from coronavirus. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Wisconsin Man Shares Beer With His Neighbor Via RC Car [Video]Wisconsin Man Shares Beer With His Neighbor Via RC Car [Video]People are getting creative during tough times...Shawn McKennaShawn McKenna
Cedar Rapids Healthcare Workers Share Social Distancing Engagement PhotosCedar Rapids Healthcare Workers Share Social Distancing Engagement PhotosA couple from Cedar Rapids is making the best out of a bad situation!CourtlinCourtlin