Busy Cedar Rapids Intersection CLOSED Until Monday MorningBusy Cedar Rapids Intersection CLOSED Until Monday MorningOne of the most traveled intersections in Cedar Rapids has been shut down through the weekend.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Study Determines How Much Iowa Hates MondaysStudy Determines How Much Iowa Hates MondaysHow much do we hate Monday in Iowa compared to everyone else?Eric StoneEric Stone
New Marion YMCA Opens MondayNew Marion YMCA Opens MondayThe next chapter in a decade-long planning process for the rebirth of Marion starts Monday.Eric StoneEric Stone
Ashton Kutcher Will Participate In Virtual Story Time For IowansAshton Kutcher Will Participate In Virtual Story Time For IowansSupporting each other during the pandemic. Tiffany KayTiffany Kay