Embark on a Road Trip to 13 of Iowa’s Most Haunted LocationsEmbark on a Road Trip to 13 of Iowa’s Most Haunted LocationsHave many of these places have you already visited?Kerri MacKerri Mac
Popular Wisconsin Town Famous For Hauntings And WitchcraftPopular Wisconsin Town Famous For Hauntings And WitchcraftFor most of Wisconsin, Halloween only comes once a year but for this town nicknamed "The Second Salem" hauntings and witchcraft are a regular thing.Double TDouble T
Want To See A Ghost This Halloween? Come To Rural IowaWant To See A Ghost This Halloween? Come To Rural IowaHalloween is just days away so if you are still looking to get into the spirit of the spooky season, living in Iowa is a great start.Kailey FosterKailey Foster
Iowa’s Best Haunted Legends [Photos]Iowa’s Best Haunted Legends [Photos]What's your favorite Iowa legend?JakeJake
‘The Most Haunted Place in the World’ is in Illinois and it’s Terrifying‘The Most Haunted Place in the World’ is in Illinois and it’s TerrifyingThat's some high praise when you think about it, right?Sweet LennySweet Lenny
The Haunting Midwest Legend Of Footprints In The SnowThe Haunting Midwest Legend Of Footprints In The SnowGhost stories about foot prints in snow use to scare me as a kid. JTJT
Iowans Share Their Real-Life Ghost StoriesIowans Share Their Real-Life Ghost StoriesDo you believe in ghosts? If not, you may after you read some of these Iowans' experiences. DanielleDanielle
One Of C.V.’s Most Haunted Locations Will Be Torn Down [Photos]One Of C.V.’s Most Haunted Locations Will Be Torn Down [Photos]Hopefully the alleged ghosts of this house, won't come back to haunt the future water park...Shawn McKennaShawn McKenna
Cedar Valley’s Most Haunted Locations *REVISITED* [Photos]Cedar Valley’s Most Haunted Locations *REVISITED* [Photos]Just in time for Halloween...do you believe in ghosts?Shawn McKennaShawn McKenna