Downtown Murals To Beautify and Inform
The Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, Downtown District, and the City of Cedar Rapids are scheduled to paint storm drain murals in the downtown area this week.
The project is meant to educate residents on the storm drain cycle. When folks dump used cigarettes, grease and paint down the storm drains, these illicit chemicals and items can pollute waterways, affecting the health and safety of aquatic life, recreational life, and the drinking water supply.
The murals will beautify downtown and act as a marker of where not to dump pollutants.
There are several street locations to look for these murals being installed this week, starting today (Monday, July 29):
- In front of the Metro Economic Alliance building at 501 1st Street SE
- Popoli
- Kingston Village Lofts
- GreatAmerica building
- Early Bird Cafe
Wednesday's installation is at the Kepros Clinic
Thursday's installation is at the Matthew 25 location
Friday's installation is at CRST
Watch for some great artists doing their work to help downtown vibrancy and water health this week.
[Via Metro Economic Alliance Press Release]