Since the Pandemic Started, What Grade Would YOU Give the Iowa Governor?
Okay folks, it's time to get your scorecards out and have a little fun. I'm looking for you to give a grade to Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for her work in the past 75 days. It's an exercise that won't take very long, and I'm hoping we can all be friends when it's over.
It's all very simple and like I said, it won't take you very long at all. I just want to know how would you grade the work of Governor Kim Reynolds since the Pandemic started. I'll say this, she's had a tough job and it's far from over.
Your grade should be just like a report card in school. Pretend your're the teacher and it's your job to grade the Governor of the great state of Iowa. A+ would be the best and an F would be the worst.
If you would like to put a comment after your grade, I'm okay with that too. I do ask that we all try to get along and not fight in the chat portion of the Facebook page. I know sometimes talking politics can be a slippery slope, but I'm confident we can all be civil and have some fun with this.
I'll be sure to put out a follow up story with the results from my informal poll sometime next week. Thanks in advance for being a part of this exercise. Let's have some fun and create a good conversation.
Have a great day!