On average, the distance the moon is from Earth is about 238,000 miles. Most of the science world defines a supermoon when the moon is less than about 225,000 miles from Earth, according to earthsky.org, and we’re about to be treated to three consecutive Full Supermoons. On April 26, the full moon will be 222,212 miles away.

While the full moon in April is known as the pink moon, that's not a reference to its actual color. The name that comes from creeping phlox, one of the earliest flowers of spring.

On April 26, the Full Moon will rise in Waterloo at 7:44 PM and set at 6:38 the morning of 4/27. It will technically be “full” at around 10:30 PM on 4/26.

This is the first of three consecutive Full Supermoons in 2021. The May 26 Full Supermoon will coincide with a Total Lunar Eclipse, which will be partially visible in North America. The third and final Full Supermoon of 2021 will occur on June 24th.

A Full Supermoon's size will appear around 7% bigger than an average Full Moon. It will also appear 15% brighter than a regular full moon. When the Full Moon is low, it looks bigger and brighter than when it's higher up in the sky, in what is known as ‘Moon Illusion.”

The most distant and smallest full moon of the year will fall on December 19. Sometimes called a micromoon, it’ll be 252,235 miles away. That’s around 30,000 miles farther away than the year’s closest full moon on May 26.

On November 4 and December 4, there will be a Super New Moon.

The Full Supermoon on November 14, 2016, was the closest since 1948 when it was 221,524 miles away.

There's also the annual Lyrid Meteor Shower this month!


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