Post Office Delivering Delays and Headaches for Iowans
For a couple of weeks, maybe the entire month in December we could easily chalk it up to overwhelming delivery volume over the holidays.
Even weather can excuse delays in getting our mail to us, to a degree, despite the USPS mantra of "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds".
But at what point are we allowed to start being aggravated over not receiving our mail until 7:30 p.m. like I did the other night? It's mid-January and all the expected issues should be under control by now.
A spokesperson from the Cedar Rapids postal service told KCRG they are still catching up from recent winter storms which caused dicey road conditions. They should be free and clear and back on schedule by the end of this week.
Carriers need to be safe and unobstructed, so things like blocked mailboxes, uncleared porches, driveways, steps and sidewalks make it difficult. Do them a favor and clear those obstructions as best you can. By the way, post office employees don't get to go home until all the carriers have reported back, either, even if that's not until 10:30 or 11 p.m.
Clearing snow at least six feet on both sides of curbline mailboxes allows carriers to approach and leave without backing up their vehicles
A higher volume of deliveries continues as well, as more folks are shopping online through Amazon and other services.
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