Watch Alarming Video of Passenger Being Forced Off Overbooked Plane
Flying should never be like this.
Video has surfaced of police forcibly removing a man from an overbooked United Airlines flight from Chicago to Louisville. The clip was posted Sunday.
A spokesman for United confirmed that an incident did indeed take place, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal:
Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked,' the spokesperson said. 'After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate. We apologize for the overbook situation. Further details on the removed customer should be directed to authorities.'"
Audra Bridges, who posted the video, said United asked for a volunteer to get off the flight, enticing passengers with $400 and one night in a hotel, as well as a flight the next day. The offer was increased to $800, but no one bit. Eventually, a United official said a computer would randomly select four people. One couple was selected and left the flight before the man in the video learned he was next.
The man, who claimed to be a doctor, was reportedly unhappy because he had patients to see in the morning. Several security officials talked to him, but he wouldn't budge from his seat before "a third security official came on the plane and threw the passenger against the armrest before dragging him out of the plane." He somehow got back onboard and "his face was bloody and he seemed disoriented."
The Courier-Journal reports:
The man was able to get back on the plane after initially being taken off – his face was bloody and he seemed disoriented, Bridges said, and he ran to the back of the plane. Passengers asked to get off the plane as a medical crew came on to deal with the passenger, she said, and passengers were then told to go back to the gate so that officials could 'tidy up' the plane before taking off."
The man's condition is unknown.
Here's another angle of the incident:
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