National Dog Day Brings Back Tough Memories For Bob
A reminder on this day set aside for the dogs that are such an important part of our lives. Love them, cherish them, because you never know.
I took the picture above on the morning of May 7, 2016. Our Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) Cooper turned 7 that day. Little did I know that just under two months later he'd disappear. Apparently forever.
I still struggle to talk about Cooper. However, my heart fills with warmth every time someone asks me if we ever found him. I marvel that you haven't forgotten him. We certainly haven't. Just last weekend, multiple people brought him up while Julie and I were attending her class reunion. Honestly, it was the first time I've discussed him at length, and didn't think I was going to burst into tears. I'm not going to lie, it's still tough.
Rather than go over the story again, there is a series of stories I wrote after his disappearance five years ago. You can read those on the three links below.
Julie and I lost our best friend that day and so did our cat Charlie. I still wonder if he wonders what happened to him.
In the late fall of 2016, we got a new little guy we named Casey. Every morning and night I make sure to tell him I love him. I usually whisper it in his ear when I'm wiping his feet after he comes in from doing his "business." He goes almost everywhere with us, including a visit to Busch Stadium for a Cardinals game. As you'll see from his smile in one photo below, his favorite thing to do is "go for a ride" in the truck. Those four words send him into euphoria.
The first Sheltie that Julie and I owned was Codie. Like the other two, he was very handsome. Unfortunately, I don't have nearly as many pictures of him. He passed away on the way to the emergency vet one morning after we found him on the floor next to our bed. That was also a very tough day. However, I wouldn't trade any of the sadness that has come with the end of our time with two of our dogs. The joy so far outweighs it. Just enjoy each moment, because you never know. And tell them you love them. Every day.