Look Who’s Coming Back To Iowa
Alice Cooper has announced a concert date this summer in Dubuque. Cooper will headline the Five Flags Center on Tuesday, July 9th. Tickets are on sale now, and available at this link.
I'm pumped Alice is back in Eastern Iowa! The show in November at the Paramount was one of the best I've ever seen. He may be old, but he's certainly not dead! The Alice Cooper show is one you don't want to miss.
Alice Cooper has been described as the artist who "first introduced horror imagery to rock 'n' roll, and whose stagecraft and showmanship have permanently transformed the genre." He's been doing this for over 40 years and doesn't show any sign of slowing down!
Join Alice Cooper for the "Ol' Black Eyes is Back Tour" on Tuesday, July 9th in Dubuque.
For more information on the concert, you can visit this link.