One of Iowa's favorite hometown boys, Ashton Kutcher, has been involved in a series called "Our Future Selves" with the popular treadmill company, Peloton. According to One Peloton, viewers can join in with Ashton on his 10-week journey as he prepares for the 2022 New York City Marathon, in support of his charity, Thorn.

Peloton users can join Ashton, Peloton instructors, and special guests, as new classes are dropped on-demand on Tuesdays. In a recent episode that featured the native Iowan and country superstar Kenny Chesney, Ashton admitted to something involving the first time he told his then-girlfriend, now wife, Mila Kunis, how he felt about her.

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He admits to possibly having a little too much to drink the first time he told her he loved her. He jokes with Chesney, "The first time I told my wife I loved her, I may...have had a little too much tequila." To be fair, it's called liquid courage for a reason.

You and Tequila is a hit song by Kenny Chesney featuring Grace Potter, and it might have been the inspiration behind this special moment for Ashton and Mila. Ashton mentions listening to the song, while probably drinking too much tequila, and then making an impromptu 2 a.m visit to Mila's house to let her know he loves her.

He also reveals that Mila responded with "don't say it if you don't mean it. Are you going to love me in the morning when you wake up from this hangover?"  Thankfully for fans of the celebrity couple, Ashton still meant it.

Mila confirmed the story with Entertainment tonight as she remembers the night very clearly. She didn't have any tequila and was sober at the time.

I think it'd be pretty fair to say Ashton isn't the first guy to use a little bit of liquid courage to tell a girl he loves her and he won't be the last. When I proposed to my fiance last April, I had an entire plan on how I wanted it to go and how to make it special. It involved a beach and a sunset. That's not exactly how it went down.

When we got home from a brewery we were visiting on our first day in Florida, I didn't want to wait until the next day. When we got back to the Air BNB we were staying in, I decided to just go for it. We both may have had a few beers that night and we just ended up having the perfect first day of vacation. We were so excited to not have to work for a week, we were loving the weather, and we were just happy to spend the next week being together. I figured, what am I waiting for? Thankfully that story ended up working out, just like Ashton's did with Mila.

Ashton Kutcher's Childhood Home in Homestead, Iowa

The well-known actor hails from Iowa. Ashton Kutcher was born in Cedar Rapids and spent his formative years in Homestead. The later is where he helped his step-dad build this space nearly 30 years ago. In 2015, Ashton decided to give his mom the surprise of her life when he redid their basement space.

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Iowa is an ag state with more heads of hog than human, but there's a lot more to us than crops and critters. How many people actually know that, however?