I feel like we are always looking at gas prices. We want to know how much it is in Iowa, and how much it is across the country. It seems like every time I am on the phone with someone, that’s always something we compare, the price of gas.

Iowa is lucky. We have relatively low gas prices, and over the last few weeks, we have watched them get lower and lower.

Just in the last week, the average price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline in Iowa dropped another 19 cents to $3.62. Unfortunately, this is still 62 cents higher than one year ago.

Iowa’s average price isn’t the only average that’s dropping. The national average dropped to $4.01, which is down 15 cents from last week.

While it always is nice to watch the price of gas drop, there is still a long way to go before we are back at the prices, we were seeing a year ago.

To help Iowans pay less at the pump, the Biden Administration had the EPA administer a waiver that allowed for the summer sales of E15. E15 is a cheaper fuel blend that is typically not sold during the summer months.

The Biden Administration is allowing E15 sales this summer to help ease the pain fuel prices are having on Iowa’s spending.

Wholesale sales of ethanol are currently priced at $2.16.

With new availability, more buyers are turning to ethanol fuels. An article in We Are Iowa says that some companies, such as Casey’s, are seeing a 2 percent increase in their ethanol blends.

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