Good News? Unbelievable Study Says Iowans Don’t Drink That Much
There are so many studies floating around out there. Some claim to tell you a certain populous' favorite movie. Some claim to tell you our favorite candy and so on and so forth.
One study that I came across did get my attention because it seems to contradict a recent, ahem, study. We told you not long ago that binge drinking among Iowans was on the rise.

Fast forward, and there's a new study that seems to tip its cap to the notion that in Iowa, we actually prefer... water.
This study, done by a group called Coco & Eve shares the results of how each state handles a relaxing night in. In other words, what we're doing for a little R&R.
The results? Oh, we're drinking. But again, not booze, but rather a tall glass of water. The study isn't exactly an alcohol study. It explores what we prefer to binge-watch, what we're doing in the, um, shower, and yes, what we're drinking.
The Coco & Eve relaxing night in study claims that Iowans prefer water whereas most states unwind with... soda (or pop as normal people call it). Beer and wine were also on the list as options. Only two states selected beer, and only ten went with wine.
For what it's worth, it's really nice to not see the Hawkeye State ranked high on any study that even hints at alcohol or binge drinking. Oh, speaking of binging, Iowans would rather stream a movie rather than binge-watch a TV show. So there you go, we're not even binging television. YES! I like this study.
See all the results here.
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