Calling all zombies! The 14th Annual Iowa City Zombie March returns September 21 to downtown Iowa City.

Reports say that Zombies will assemble at College Green Park starting at 4:00 p.m. with a march that will begin promptly at 5:30 p.m.

In an effort to insure true Zombie authenticity, many Zombie-supporters will offer assistance with zombie makeup beginning at 4:00 p.m. for a 90 minute period.

Then at 5:30 p.m. Zombies will slowly amble through Iowa City, ending with an after-party at the Deadwood, featuring a costume contest and plenty of ghoulish treats and beverages...some of which may be potent, thus inducing impaired judgement. Participants are warned to proceed and imbibe (as always) with caution. You never know when a flirty Zombie may be trying to get in your pants.

Proceeds from the Zombie March will go to support Table to Table, a program that distributes donated food to area agencies that serve the hungry and homeless. The march will also support CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank.

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