Iowa Auction Nets Nearly $5 Million for Charities
Donna Helble was a native of Dewitt, Iowa. Three months after her March passing, she's done something incredible.
Prior to her passing, Helble earmarked 381 acres of farmland to benefit charities and other organizations. Friday, June 16 an auction was held and it brought in (are you ready for this) $4.771 MILLION. Most amazing of all, it was all raised in about 15 minutes.
All that money will help fund an education wing at her alma mater, Simpson College in Indianola. More than 10 other organizations will also benefit from the woman who was an educator at Winona State in Minnesota.
Helble's former Winona State colleague Debbie Block told WQAD, "Donna was a very special and giving person." Indeed. What a wonderful legacy left by an educator who was beloved in life with a generous heart that will never be forgotten.
[via WQAD]
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