The traffic cameras that are set up to catch speeders are about to be turned on again on a busy Iowa interstate. Officials say the cameras on Interstate 235 in Des Moines will go online Monday, June 25th.

In March of last year, the Iowa Department of Transportation ordered cities like Des Moines and Cedar Rapids to turn off the speed cameras. The case landed in the Iowa Supreme Court, and they ruled this April that the DOT did NOT have the authority to shut the cameras down. City leaders have said that they will notify residents when the cameras are being turned back on. Des Moines drivers, you've been warned!

Vehicles driving on I-235 at 71 miles per hour or greater in a 60 mile per hour zone will be issued tickets. Violations vary from $65 to $80 depending on how far over the speed limit you are going.

Cedar Rapids city leaders say they are still trying to coordinate with other cities that have speed cameras on rules and regulations. No date has been announced for when the I-380 cameras might go back live.


[via KCRG]

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