The first time I watched Chicago's CM Punk, I was at a school gymnasium in Beloit, Wi. I was told to "watch the blonde haired kid with the Pepsi tattoo, he's the real deal." This show featured WWE Legends King Kong Bundy and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. So I waited for the guy with the Pepsi tattoo to do his thing, man was my buddy Randy right. CM Punk was absolutely the BEST wrestler on the card, wow. Stringy blonde hair, basketball shorts, no real muscle tone, but man was he good...Let's fast forward about 10 years.

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CM Punk was no doubt one of the biggest superstars in the WWE, ever. Even if the billion dollar organization didn't want to admit it. Outspoken, yes. A jerk of a guy, indeed. Played by his own selfish rules, yep that's him. HUGE fan favorite that the fans could identify with, absolutely.

I went to the Allstate Arena the night he was supposed to leave, call it quits, his last night of WWE action. I've been going to pro wrestling shows since I was 10, and that was the LOUDEST crowd, ever. Chicago loved their hometown hero and it was "heard" all night long....Check out this ovation. As he screamed in the ring, "This is my f'n time, goosebumps."


Then of course there was the "scripted" truth. The "pipe bomb" as it was called.

But soon after CM Punk had enough, wanted out, and he split. CM Punk left millions of dollars on the table and called it quits. A very bold move that allowed him the chase his UFC dreams, which ended up being a nightmare.

Here we are at the end of July 2021. It's been years since "The Best in the World" was been involved in pro wrestling. What if there was a new brand, AEW, that had the money, and would be willing to give CM Punk whatever he wanted. Would he comeback? The answer, is yes.

AEW has a series of shows IN Chicago, in September. SBNATION It's no longer a "will he" it's a WHEN will he. Look for the return of CM Punk this September, in his hometown.

CM PUNK Could Afford This $190,000 7 Bedroom Home For Sale 90 Minutes From Rockford


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