CR’s Most Expensive Home For Sale Has 10,000 Sq Ft and 8 Places to Pee!
Imagine you win the Powerball. You're loaded, but you don't want to leave your hometown. Your roots are deep here in Cedar Rapids.
But with all that dough you're going to need a bigger place for family, friends and freeloaders to crash. We've got just the right place for you!
According to Zillow, this quaint little dwelling at 4260 Hunt Ridge Rd SE in Cedar Rapids is one of the area's most expensive home listed with Skogman Realtors.
So if you have an extra two and half million, perhaps you should consider this ritzy mansion. It boasts 10,000 square feet of living space and no fewer than eight bathrooms!
You could use a different toilet every day of the week and still not run out of places to pee!
Look inside Cedar Rapids $2.5 million home!
The price: A bargain at just $2.5 million
Which means your monthly mortgage would likely be a little north of $10,000 per month.
But so what? Who cares. You just won Powerball remember? You're loaded. And you must admit, a place with three living rooms, two dining areas, a library, a music room, two kitchen sinks and five bedrooms is big enough to provide enough breathing space between you and those freeloaders.
Oh, did I mention the built-in in swimming pool?
[source: Zillow]