Why the Beef? Beware the Aggressive Cows Killing Iowans
Beware! This is a cautionary tale. Your beef has beef with you. Last month I told you about how deer, one of the tamest timidest creatures on the planet, are killing more Iowans a year than any other animal. Today, I'd like to share a story about our next most deadly animal, and the one that kills more Iowans on the job than any other.
Cows. Yes, that's right, cows. Milk-giving, delicious beef-producing cows are responsible for killin' more cattleman in Iowa than any other animal, in any type of job.
Beware the mean, mean cow
First off, my wife is a farmer and routinely her operation has 1,000+ heads. They're known as steers, now cows as a steer is a castrated male or bull, after his manhood is, um, removed. But, for the sake of this article, we'll lump all bovine and call them cows. According to the website, It's The Vibe, Iowa is home to over 20% of this country's cattle and about 16% of the nation’s cattle operations. Indeed, we get a lot of credit for having hogs, but less for our cattle.

Unfortunately for some of our cattlemen and woman, sometimes livestock gets a little... angry, bucky, difficult, and can be deadly. Being confined to a small space with one or more massively large animals can, sometimes, be deadly. Luckily for us, it's far more often deadly for the animal and tasty for us. Mmm, beef.
So there you go, Iowas most killer workplace animal is the cow. Sweet, docile, tasty, DEADLY. Stay safe out there, ranchers!
Oh, and don't even think about getting a pet cow...
LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state
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